Does Fish Sauce Have MSG?

fish sauce

For centuries, chefs in Southeast Asian cuisine have utilized fish sauce as a key ingredient to infuse dishes with depth and complexity. Yet recent times present a new narrative: growing concern emerges regarding its MSG (monosodium glutamate) content; this leads us to question potential health implications—an issue that demands further exploration.

Indeed, we must consider the controversial reputation of MSG—a flavor enhancer—some associate it with adverse effects such as headaches and nausea, which is an alarming factor that heightens our scrutiny.

This article delves into the truth of fish sauce and its MSG content, aiming to separate fact from fiction.

Understanding Fish Sauce

Crafted from fermented fish–usually anchovies or other small varieties–mingled with salt, we have the delectable condiment: fish sauce. Allowing this amalgamation to ferment over months yields a result that is nothing short of remarkable; it births an intensely savory liquid—pungent and rich in umami flavor, which stands as the fifth taste alongside sweet, sour, bitter, and salty.

Its indispensability becomes evident when exploring various Southeast Asian cuisines; indeed—it forms their culinary backbone. These include but are not limited to: Thai cuisine; Vietnamese delicacies – such as Pho soup—and traditional Filipino dishes alike all owe their distinct flavors to this vital ingredient.

The Role of MSG

A sodium salt of glutamic acid, an amino acid present in a variety of foods such as tomatoes, cheese, and mushrooms – MSG functions as a flavor enhancer that amplifies the depth and intensity of food taste. Its chemical identity allows it to impart savory notes; hence its widespread adoption from the mid-20th century onwards particularly within processed or restaurant cuisines for heightened palatability.

The Controversy Surrounding MSG

MSG, despite its prevalence, stirs controversy. Some people claim to experience symptoms such as headaches, sweating, and nausea after ingesting foods with MSG; this collection of effects is dubbed “Chinese Restaurant Syndrome.”

Yet numerous scientific studies have not substantiated a reliable connection between consuming MSG and these symptoms – a finding that encourages many experts to conclude for most individuals within normal intake levels within their balanced diet—MSG poses no threat.

chili peppers in fish sauce

Does Fish Sauce Contain MSG?

Naturally, glutamic acid, the fundamental amino acid forming MSG is abundantly present in fish sauce. Throughout fermentation, the process breaks down proteins within the fish into various amino acids including glutamic acid; this contributes to an unrivaled umami flavor distinctive of such sauces. It is noteworthy though, despite containing glutamic acid, traditional fish sauces usually lack additional MSG additives.

Traditional fish sauce brands, for the most part, do not incorporate MSG as an independent ingredient in their formulations. Rather; they derive a flavor akin to MSG from the inherent fermentation process of natural origin. The produced glutamic acid, a result of this fermentation, enhances and adds a savory taste to the sauce without necessitating supplementary additives like traditional MSG would require.

Health Considerations

Other factors related to the consumption of fish sauce merit essential consideration, despite its lack of added MSG. The high sodium content in fish sauce—owing to its salt component—can lead to elevated blood pressure and other health complications if one consumes it excessively.

Furthermore, individuals with fish allergies must exercise caution when using fish sauce; they may experience allergic reactions due to their sensitivity to this ingredient.

Enjoying Fish Sauce in Moderation

Fish sauce, a flavorful condiment, enhances the taste of numerous dishes in moderation as part of an overall balanced diet. Its umami-rich flavor elevates the complexity and richness in various cuisines: from soups to stir-fries; marinades to dipping sauces. When incorporating fish sauce into your recipes – start with small amounts and tailor it accordingly for your palate – mindful of its distinct salty yet savory notes.


Concluding, fish sauce, despite its glutamic acid content, a precursor to MSG, usually lacks added MSG. The natural fermentation process imbues fish sauce with savory flavor by disintegrating proteins into various amino acids, including glutamic acid. Scientific evidence mitigates the controversy surrounding MSG and implies safety in moderate consumption for most individuals.

In enjoying fish sauce – a condiment like any other, moderation remains essential: it must be part of your balanced diet; you should also remain conscious about its sodium content and possible allergenic properties. Embrace the rich umami taste that fish sauce offers and feel free to incorporate it into your culinary adventures; indeed, this is an ingredient known for enhancing flavor without necessitating additional MSG.


